Monday, March 4, 2013

The one where Polly breaks her elbow

Hey viewers, I'm back. Wish I had a Banterous topic for today's blog, but alas no. Instead we get to talk about many hours in a hospital, falling off things and organising insurance in a foreign country. Great fun. At least it'll be short as I am only able to type with my left hand. What a mare.

So, Saturday afternoon. It hadn't been  a particularly eventful saturday, so I went for a run to make e feel like I had done something worthwhile with the day. I was fairly impressed with myself...managed to do almost a full hour! I came home, decided there was still a good hour of sunshine left and rushed out again with my book and sunglasses to watch the sunset. On the way my mudguard check catching making a loud squeling noise so I tried to kick it back into place. My flip-flop got tangled in the wheel, along with my foot and splat. MAN DOWN. Some kids asked if I was ca va? I was like of course, ca va tres bien whilst thinking ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I made it home, and paced around the room for a bit. im fine, sleep it off.... and this was a great idea until I looked in the mirror and noticed my right arm was deffo not doing the same as the left. Had it always been this bent??? hmm probs not. I hobbled along t the hospital (not eating as I foolishly thought there would be a cafe, or at least a vending machine. ha! After 3 hours of waiting, I shuffled along for an x-ray having not even spoken to a doctor. After another hour or so, someone arrived to let me know it was a little bit broken. I mean what is that?? Surely it is or it isn't... 2 more hours and I was having a cast put on my arm. By this time it was 2 in the morning and I was delirious with starvation.

Hobbled home amongst the drunkn hobos, to find the 8ft gate (only entry to house) locked. I should point out that this door is broken and has not been locked for months! great  work, whoever had that good idea! I cried hysterically for a bit, called a couple of  people to no avail, did some serious gate banging and shouting...nothing. I did not want to sleep with the hobos, and foolishy, seeing the neighbours dustbin hanging about, i thought, yeah, i can climb this 8ft gate with my arm in a brand new cast. It must have been quite a sight to see me dangling with both legs over the gate arms flailing, but somehow i managed to pull myself upright. So now, im sat on an 8ft gate, with one arm, and I have to get down.

In an effort to protect the arm I landed heavily on the feet and had to hop upstairs. But I was in, and there was some stale banana bread and an uncomfortable nights sleep waiting for me....

THIS saga is not quite over but my left arm is tres tired.  More tomorrow if I can be bothered :)

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